Spring has Sprung!

"Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.ā€

Don't quit, pivot.

Robin is a female Pittsburgh mixologist and mixed media artist painting bold intuitive abstract expressions. Her unique body of work consists of functional home decor and dynamic painting pieces that range in size and different surfaces created with the use of acrylic paints, oils, spray paints, alcohol inks, charcoal and epoxy resin.

Check in, then unwind by getting lost inside of time with eclectic high vibe flow art designed to help invigorate space and enhance the gift of being fully present within the moment. The mission is to simply make you feel.. Bobbie Bonita Art strives to provide wellness through art, community connection and by facilitating interactive creative events for the mind, body and soul to experience.

Robin is a vibrant free-thinking leader, team player and well seasoned industry creative that is forever accustomed to working passionately inside of the ever changing fast paced world of hospitality service. Come check this space out to catch up and enjoy pieces from inside the mind of an ever-evolving grown up kid.

Thanks for stopping by!


Creating Space